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For more than 88 years, Harvard Business Review has been the magazine for decision-makers. It is where leaders turn for ideas and inspiration. With cutting-edge articles, Harvard Business Review is an unrivaled source for leadership tools and techniques that are critical to success and survival in today's business arena. In each issue, you will read innovative and ground-breaking articles from such authorities on effective leadership as John P. Kotter, author of the best-seller Leading Change; Rosabeth Moss Kanter, director of the Advance Leadership Initiative at Harvard; and Norm Smallwood, co-author of The Leadership Code: Five Rules to Live By. | | Discover how your business and career can reap the benefits of the thoughtful perspectives and big insights waiting for you in every issue of Harvard Business Review » | Subscribe today and receive your free gift. | In addition to a full year's subscription to Harvard Business Review at an exclusive money-saving rate, when you act now, you'll also receive — free — a dynamic new report, Leadership That Gets Results. When you read Leadership That Gets Results, you will be investing in your company's future and your own. Leadership That Gets Results will show you how to expand your leadership repertoire to address the challenges and reach the goals set before you. | In this powerful study, you'll learn why the most successful leaders do not rely on only one leadership style, but fluidly shift from one to another. You'll explore six distinct leadership styles and see how, when — and why — a high-impact leader selects a style to meet a specific situation. You'll examine the exigencies that call for an authoritative leadership styles and the circumstances that demand an affiliative approach. You'll discover which style is best when new direction is needed. And you'll find out about the one underutilized style that may be your most potent tool for improving performance. | |