ezmlm warning

Dear newsletter-daily_html subscriber,

Thank you for being a subscriber to the Forbes.com newsletter-daily_html newsletter. You are receiving this message because of a failed attempt to send you the message. This could be caused by an invalid e-mail address, a full mailbox or spam blocking. We will attempt to send you the message again. If that also fails, your email address will need to be removed from our system's mailing list.

Please contact our customer service department for further assistance at customerservice@forbes.net.

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Here are the message numbers:


--- Enclosed is a copy of the bounce message I received.

Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 3426 invoked from network); 20 Jan 2010 13:06:15 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO pmta41.forbesdigital.com) (
by 0 with SMTP; 20 Jan 2010 13:06:15 -0000
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 08:06:14 -0500
From: postmaster@pmta41.forbesdigital.com
Subject: Delivery report
To: newsletter-daily_html-return-1478-atlantm1210=ukr.net@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;


Hello, this is the mail server on pmta41.forbesdigital.com.

I am sending you this message to inform you on the delivery status of a
message you previously sent. Immediately below you will find a list of
the affected recipients; also attached is a Delivery Status Notification
(DSN) report in standard format, as well as the headers of the original

<atlantm1210@ukr.net> delivery failed; will not continue trying

Content-Type: message/delivery-status

Reporting-MTA: dns;pmta41.forbesdigital.com
Received-From-MTA: dns;newsltr1.forbesdigital.com (
Arrival-Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 08:06:08 -0500

Final-Recipient: rfc822;atlantm1210@ukr.net
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0 (undefined status)
Remote-MTA: dns;mxs.ukr.net (
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 unexpected inconsistency?
X-PowerMTA-BounceCategory: other

Content-Type: text/rfc822-headers

Received: from newsltr1.forbesdigital.com ( by pmta41.forbesdigital.com (PowerMTA(TM) v3.2r13) id harvsc0h60g8 for <atlantm1210@ukr.net>; Wed, 20 Jan 2010 08:06:08 -0500 (envelope-from <newsletter-daily_html-return-1478-atlantm1210=ukr.net@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com>)
Received: (qmail 23454 invoked by uid 512); 20 Jan 2010 13:05:01 -0000
Precedence: bulk
X-No-Archive: yes
To: atlantm1210@ukr.net
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:newsletter-daily_html-unsubscribe@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com>
Reply-To: newsletter-daily_html-unsubscribe@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com
Delivered-To: mailing list newsletter-daily_html@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com
Received: (qmail 23446 invoked by uid 512); 20 Jan 2010 13:05:01 -0000
Date: 20 Jan 2010 13:05:01 -0000
Message-ID: <20100120130501.23445.qmail@newsltr1.forbesdigital.com>
From: Forbes.com Newsletters <newsletter@forbesdigital.com>
Subject: Daily: Brown Win Boosts Big Pharma
Content-type: text/html
